Oakridge Village HOA
Welcome to Oakridge Village HOA Website. Please click on the links across the top of the page to access pages and documents.
Welcome to Oakridge Village HOA Website. Please click on the links across the top of the page to access pages and documents.
Board of Directors:
Marc Evans, President/Oversees Grounds: wx_mevans@yahoo.com: 801-231-2817
Treasurer: Ken Erickson: kmerickson3@gmail.com: 314-825-4252
Secretary: Margaret Cason: margaretcason@msn.com: 801-232-5943
Board Member: Oversees Buildings: Jim Baggs: send2baggs@gmail.com: 801-690-1188
Board Member: Assignments as directed: Connie Robins: 801-678-5286
For needs around the village grounds and buildings, requests for approvals, submission of building permits, please send communication to: oakrdigevillagehoa@gmail.com