Oakridge Village HOA

Welcome to Oakridge Village HOA Website.  Please click on the links across the top of the page to access pages and documents.  

Board of Directors: 

 Marc Evans, President/Oversees Grounds:  wx_mevans@yahoo.com:  801-231-2817

Treasurer:  Ken Erickson:   kmerickson3@gmail.com:  314-825-4252

Secretary:  Margaret Cason:  margaretcason@msn.com:  801-232-5943

Board Member:  Oversees Buildings:  Jim Baggs:  send2baggs@gmail.com:  801-690-1188

Board Member:  Assignments as directed: Connie Robins:  801-678-5286

For needs around the village grounds and buildings, requests for approvals, submission of building permits, please send communication to:  oakrdigevillagehoa@gmail.com